Nintendo asks ROM pages for more than $ 100 million


People who did not have consoles found in the emulators and ROM their main alternative to try the Nintendo headlines. From free download and with a complete catalog, many sites have been created to store different files that have played video games like Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Super Nintendo Entertainment System (NES 64), Game Cube, Game Boy, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, etc. However, these went against the intellectual property and copyright and that is why the Japanese company began to take action on this.

According to Torrent Freak, Nintendo sued the and sites for the distribution of their clbadic titles. The company claims 150 thousand dollars for each game and 1 million dollars for each web site for the infringement of the rights of these sites that have great popularity. The figure would rise to $ 100 million in total.

"The defendants reproduce, redistribute, advertise and display an astonishing number of unauthorized copies of Nintendo video games."

Nintendo claims that there are 17 million monthly hits on these portals, causing significant economic loss and stimulating the digital piracy market. He also mentions that websites are run by sophisticated groups with a thorough knowledge of the intellectual property of the company.

Upon request, Loveroms acted immediately and removed all Nintendo games from its web portal, but still retains items from consoles such as Atari, PlayStation or Xbox. For its part, Love Retro has closed its activities until further notice. According to rumors, the two sites would be managed by Jacob Mathias and his company Mathias Designs LLC located in Arizona.



The use of ROMs is already very permeated on the internet. So, even if Nintendo wins this process, it is very unlikely that they will disappear completely.

What do you think? Does Nintendo do well to pursue these sites? Do you play or have you played tracks like Pokémon or Mario Bros using ROM?

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