Nintendo attacks Super Smash Bros. YouTube channels Ultimate


Nintendo Switch

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Although Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is on sale until December 7, confidential clbadified information began to appear at any time. What's happened? In fact, some stores violated the date of sale of this title, and it took almost nothing for all content to reach the Internet. Unfortunately, it is in Mexico that this case has occurred.

Nintendo of America does not shake his hand

As expected, some youtubers wanted to "do their month of August". This is to say share information about World of Light . However, some wanted to be smart. And what they did, is extract the music from the game and download it to their YouTube channels. They thought they could do it with impunity, but that's where the copyright comes in.

No Mercy whatsoever, Nintendo of America sent the copyright claims to two chains youtubers . In the case of one of them, they were around 21 years old, which left him out of the fight. The fact is that if a channel receives something like this, YouTube proceeds to cancel it regardless of its content. And he can not complain, because the music in question does not belong to them.

Beware of the music of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Legally Nintendo has the right to claim and will continue to do so. here on. If we add that there is music from other companies, like Square Enix or Konami those who do it "play with fire". It seems that those who are also in the line of fire are those who download videos in the history of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate .

The first to fall were Crunchii and . ] Dystifyzer . Both youtubers each had about 70,000 subscribers. According to reports, NDA attacks with insistence and relentlessly the youtubers who do the same. Can these people claim? Once again, the law is on the side of Nintendo . So if you thought you were doing the same thing, you'd better not have any problems.

If you really respect the work of Masahiro Sakurai and Nintendo wait until it is officially put up for sale. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate . Thanks to NS for the notice.

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