Nintendo Direct | An official show dedicated to Super Smash Bros is announced


Thanks to his official Twitter accounts, Nintendo has just announced a new official live broadcast of Nintendo Direct for this on November 1 at 9:00 . On this occasion, the show will focus on Super Smash Bros . and it will last 40 minutes where they will leave all the meat in the spit and try to convince all those who are reluctant to buy it.

This will be the last presentation of Super Smash Bros before its release, which is scheduled for Dec. 7 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. You can enter this link and click on the bell to create a reminder in your Google Account so you do not miss this streaming.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate is the next instance of a fighting game franchise that enjoys great popularity with the nintendera community. This is a large collaborative project between all the game licenses published by Nintendo bringing together clbadic characters like Mario, Pacman, Ice Climbers and modern game characters such as ] Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Solid or Pokémon.

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