Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey Confirms New Filters and Zombie Suit | Halloween | Zombie hats | video games | Zombie outfit | Video games


The constant and content-rich updates that make Nintendo in Super Mario Odyssey show the importance of this title to the Japanese company, available since 2017 on Nintendo Switch. For this reason, he announced what would happen to Halloween .

Halloween has become an excellent pretext for video game development companies in which they want to add content such as costumes, weapons, missions and more. more to their titles. That is why Nintendo via his official Twitter account, informed all his supporters of the arrival of a new zombie suit in Super Mario Odyssey.

A new special outfit was added to #SuperMarioOdyssey ! After completing the main story, go for a ride in the shop to find the Zombie Headwear & Zombie outfit.

– Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) On October 18, 2018

To get this new costume, you must first have finished the. main story of the game, then you have to go to the store and look for the Zombie Outfit but it will not be the only thing, because you will also find the Zombie Headwear which is an ax that will go in the head of Mario Bros. [19659006]

  Super Mario Odyssey

In another tweet, the big N also announced the existence of three new filters for you to enjoy Super Mario Odyssey on the Nintendo Switch. Thanks to these filters, the captures (images) that you will realize inside the game will look really cool. Among the options, you can find one that simulates a manga, as if you had seen the image of a kaleidoscope or in the form of pixels formed by frames


  Super Mario Odyssey

  Super Mario Odyssey

This new costume adds to those who received the game under the names of Hariet, Rango, Topper, a professional pilot and even the costume of Waluigi. Super Mario Odyssey is an exclusive Nintendo Switch.

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