Nintendo will remove from the game an animation considered racist


One of the most common problems encountered when a company posts the content of a game before its launch is the accidental revelation of items that were not intended for final product. There are always eagle-eyed fans waiting for change. Sometimes these are "serious" problems such as a considerable loss of graphic quality, nonsense such as the amount of puddles in Marvel's Spider-Man and sometimes an unpleasant presence of "spitting". homophobia, badism or racism. this last category belongs to the most recent case concerning the planned Super Smash Bros Ultimate . During the presentation of the game made in the Nintendo Treehouse following the Nintendo Direct of of November 1 the character of Mr. Game and Watch presented a new animation of attack in which he had acquired a pen in the head a torch and an exaggerated expression.

This animation is from the game Game & Watch: Fire Attack (1982), in which a cowboy must defend a fort attacked by Native Americans. When this game was released in the compilation Game & Watch Gallery 4 for Game Boy Advance in 2002, it had been modified to remove the pen from the characters' heads, which is widely regarded as a racial caricature .

About the presence of this character, including a pen, in this new game, Nintendo published a statement published in Eurogamer:

We had planned to release an update for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. that will remove the pen from the silhouette of Mr. Game & Watch. The game on which this character image is based was launched more than three decades ago and does not represent the current values ​​of society.

We sincerely apologize for not having detected it in our advertising material and we will continue to work to make Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a fun experience for everyone.

Avengers: Infinity War + Super Smash Bros Ultimate = Perfection!

Source: Resetera, Eurogamer

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