Nintendo's excuse for racist content in "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate"


A Nintendo game arouses controversy even before its commercial launch. In an advance of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (which will reach users in December) appeared racist content . The company was alerted and acted.

In the following image, you can see the silhouette that sparked the controversy in stereotyping the Amerindians . He appears a character called Mr. Game & Watch : black character with a feather on his head, a torch in his hand and a gesture of defiance.

  million. Game & Watch had appeared in the 80s.
M. Game & Watch had appeared in the 80s.

Nintendo's Apology

The fighting game will not include this image said the company of Japanese origin. He explained that this silhouette referred to the character of a delivery player dating back more than three decades.

million. Game & Watch was part of several video games on Nintendo, including Fire Attack from 1982. This title required a cowboy to defend a fort so that the Amerindians would not burn it.

The excuses and the elimination of this racist reference are another sign that times have changed. And also the design of villains and heroes.

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