Niu Xiangfeng: The 31-year-old Chinese man claims to have been rejected by 80 thousand women | Society


Niu Xiangfeng is the name of one of the world's most unhappy men of love and relationships, since he ensures that in five years was dismissed by nearly 80 thousand women in his

His case became known as one of the greatest curiosities in his nation, noting that the young man has a rather radical way of approaching and conquering women. His only purpose in life is to get married.

According to the American newspaper ABC, since Xiangfeng's father died of cancer in 2013, his only purpose was to marry a woman, however


According to the aforementioned media, his first strategy was to place posters bearing his name in all the streets of the city. the center of Beijing. In them, he exhibited his photo, personal data and addresses of social networks. This way of doing things did not work.

"They prefer tall and handsome men and I am ugly and short.They also look at money, they want a man who has his own home and this is not my case", a- he told ABC.

The North American blog Oddity Central, where they pointed out that Xiangfeng He left to put signs in the streets and turned to to try to have a girlfriend on the Internet.

He published his data on sites specialized in relations, he wanted to establish contacts via applications, advertisements published in newspapers and magazines of the national circulation.

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According to the news website, his obsession has reached such a point that in recent years he has devoted himself to arresting women who walked alone on public roads to invite them to have a romantic date . As expected, nothing worked well.

In his testimony, he said that he has about 80,000 releases in the last five years, which are divided into 60,000 through social networks and another 20,000 received

Oddity Central adds that the man's confidence in himself is very weak, because these days he does not even have the courage to respond to women's messages through the Internet

"When I I put posters in Beijing, the same, but none of them wanted to go out with me in reality. They just waste my time ", concluded.

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