No official tribute from carabinieri: funeral of former CNI agent, Armando Cabrera | National


With a funeral ritual of familiar and intimate character and without official tribute from the Carabineros the funeral of former CNI agent Armando Cabrera Aguilar, sentenced to life imprisonment for various crimes committed during the military dictatorship.

The ex-rifleman, known as "Old Charly" was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the carpenter Juan Alegría in July 1983 who was drunk and forced to die. Write a letter accusing the crime. of Tucapel Jiménez registered on February 25, 1982 to then cut his wrists and pretend to commit suicide.

The funeral of Cabrera takes place in the municipal cemetery of Santa Inés. dies early in the morning. Friday because of a cardio-respiratory arrest product of lung cancer that had affected it a few years ago and had kept it connected to oxygen devices .

At the funeral that took place at the parish of San Pio Dix Belloto, in Quilpué commune, a member of the CNI family, who wanted to reserve his name, commented on the delicate state of health in which was Cabrera.

In addition, he had words for the institution of Carabineros de Chile, who were exempted from paying him an official tribute for their charges in court . And he said that Cabrera had paid for life for his crimes.

"The truth is that if it's carabinieri or it's not the same thing, we're not interested in the riflemen." He (Cabrera) was, suffered, paid and the whole family suffered from everything he had to endure (…) All the persecution he had suffered, may have made him declare this disease we regret today hey, "he explained. the family.

Meanwhile, Luis Núñez, lawyer of the family of the carpenter Juan Alegría, indicated that The Armando Cabrera's death comes to close a chapter of the life of the widow and girls of the victim stressing that it is a pain that they will not be able to Never forget.

"I think of the death of Cabrera Aguilar closes a few chapters of the sad pbadage of the widow (of the murdered carpenter), Mrs. Esmeralda Castillo and her family," said the lawyer.

The former sergeant of the Carabinieri spent 17 years in the prison of Punta Peuco serving his sentence. Last year, the Supreme Court granted him parole, forcing him to execute his sentence. at home during the last year .

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