Nominated to Supreme Court Kavanaugh "was self-appointed"


US President Donald Trump has appointed federal judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy, who recently announced his retirement. Like President Trump, prior to the appointment, Vice President Mike Pence met with the hopes of the Supreme Court, who could occupy Kennedy's vacant space. Gioconda Tapia of Voice of America has been talking to Emilio Viano, a professor at American University and a specialist in American politics.

VOA: What is your impression of Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court candidate?

Viano: Well, it's not surprising that the president appointed a conservative judge to reform and establish even deeper control of conservative judges, who call themselves constructionists, in the sense that they just want to interpret the Constitution as it is written and add nothing new, despite the evolution of the law for more than 240 years in the country. So he really wants to reaffirm and change historically for the next 30-40 years the composition of the Court and make it solidly conservative because it can make many favorable decisions to its conception of what should happen in the country in the years to come.

: Does this possibility of having another of your candidates elected to the Supreme Court strengthen President Trump, and in that sense how are the Democrats and especially the Liberal movement?

Viano: Well, the Democrats do they find in a very serious situation, very negative, because clearly the President I believe that he will get the endorsement of this judge, especially after that the Republicans have changed the rules of the vote. Before asking for 60 votes, it only takes more than 50, which makes it difficult because there are Democratic senators who have to vote because they are senators in very republican states. and want to be re-elected and can not vote against judge appointed by president

VOA: Why do you think President Trump has named Kavanaugh?

Viano: The president also did it to protect himself. This Judge Kavanaugh was very intelligent because he sent messages in his interviews, saying that he thought the president should not be busy with investigations, accusations, answering a prosecutor's investigator and that He had great immunity against any investigation. – referring to the investigations of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller. This speech was very much appreciated by Trump, I think Kavanaugh was self – proclaimed, because he gave the president the idea that "if you write to me, when I am a Supreme Court judge, I will protect you, I will say no, no, no "

VOA: Professor, however, this position even comes from the scandal surrounding President Bill Clinton, is not it?

Viano: Yes, of course, but in the case of President Clinton, an investigation lasted two years for the "White Water" appeal, which was an investment in President Clinton's real estate when he was governor from Arkansas with his wife, and after what happened with Monica Lewinsky this investigation so clearly, at the time, the prosecutor who called Starr, could do his job and conclude that the president deserved to be denounced, say in the House of Representatives for the "impeachment" and I have it f

VOA: What conditions must a candidate meet for the Supreme Court?

Viano: Well, he must act clearly from a person with a very great knowledge of the jurisdiction, exceptional in the sense of Honesty, intellectual and emotional training. Someone who really loves the country and wants to enforce the law as it is written, so it is extremely important. It is clear that there are other considerations, for example, policies, considerations in this sense, in the case of President Trump, to protect against this investigation Mueller prosecutor with a judge who could vote that it is worthless, that the president is protected by his office and this can not be reached by any accusation, so theoretically they should be the best of the best, in fact there are concrete political considerations, which make it a little different.

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