Not everyone could be Uber: The project calls for a bottom sheet, a professional license and a passenger insurance


The Executive on Friday tabled an indication to Congress to amend the "Uber Law" entering in 2016 and regulating transport requests.

Driver Requirements

Regulations seek to establish the following requirements for pbadengers, as published by La Tercera: A1 professional license clbad and not to have certain criminal records.

More specifically, the law proposes that can not be a guilty driver of:

  • Drunk driving resulting in injury or death
  • Sexual Offenses
  • Drug Trafficking [19659008] Initiate Activities

    According to the project, Uber, Cabify and Easy Taxi are to be incorporated into paid freight companies which implies that must begin to pay taxes in Chile.

    Pbadenger Insurance

    The drivers will be those who must have civil liability insurance for pbadengers. This guarantees compensation to customers in case of injury in an accident.


    The amendment requires that those who do not comply with the standard, whether they be drivers or the company, be punished by van of the 10 UTM ($ 477,290) at the 100 UTM ($ 4,772,900) or even the cancellation of the registration of the application.

    What the government said

    According to the Minister of Transport, Gloria Hutt the measure seeks greater security for users and to equalize the conditions of competition with taxis.

    In addition, he pointed out that they will seek to put in motion the initiative as soon as possible. "We opted for a short bill which is aimed primarily at regulating the existence and operation of these services, and we do not want to incorporate more changes that complicate this operation."

    No vehicle quota

    One of the main criticisms of the union of taxi drivers was the regulation of the number of cars flowing with the service. However, according to the holder of the portfolio, the project does not establish a limit.

    "What the bill does is adjust this market, leave the offer available because we understand that there is a very large number of people traveling under these terms (. ..) we believe that it is not necessary to limit the park ".

    The minister baderted at a press conference that the government believes "the market will regulate quite automatically" when the requirements of the law must be met.

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