"Nuevo CAE" begins to be discussed in the commission of education


Announced as the replacement of controversial credit with Aval del Estado on Solidarity Financing System (SIFS) began to be discussed in the Senate.

It will be administered by a state institution, the abolition of the banking system, and this should regularize the situation of students "delinquents."

The current debtors of the EAC should express their willingness, if they want to transfer to the new system. The state institution will pay the bank and a new credit will be generated for the beneficiary, with the new features.

The SIFS considers all accredited institutions, and a real annual interest rate of 2%, in addition to a payment scheme up to 15 years. Something that for some changes in the name, but basically, remains the same.

For those entering the universities, they must have at least 475 average points in the UAP. Those who opt for a CFT or IP, must have an average score above 5.3 or be part of the top 50% of their promotion or ranking.

For the case of students from the first six deciles of income, the educational institutions that are awarded, will have the obligation to provide the tariff not covered by state aid by scholarships and own credits.

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