"Nuevo CAE" of Piñera will keep the pay of the debtors, will have a "public Dicom" and will administer a S.A.


It was announced in the public account, but finally on Thursday sent to the Senate the bill that creates the system that replaces the Credit with State Guarantee (CAE).

The new Solidarity Financing System will also replace the Solidarity Fund and will not have any private bank intervention

What is it?

"It will be a system administered by the state, without the intervention of the private bank, with an annual interest rate of 2%", were the president's words Sebastián Piñera in his speech of June 1st.

The General Treasury of the Republic will be responsible for the collection of credits.

In addition, the officer pointed out that students would not pay during their studies and that the fees payable would in no case exceed 10% of "In this way, if the person "No income just does not pay," he said.

The maximum quota will be 180 and if it still remains to be paid, it will be forgiven

The bill establishes that a portion of the wages of debtor workers may be Withholding being the employer responsible for the payment to the Treasury.

10 days of each month, the debtors' tax may be withheld and, if it is not paid, the employer will charge interest late.

Also, according to El Counter, the project contains an article that creates a public payroll detailing their status until they have finished paying.

Thus, it will be public if a student is delinquent of the "new CAE" or not.

On the other hand, as a measure to withdraw from the private banking system the system in the administration work of the delivery of the funds of credits, will create a public limited company that replaces The current Ingresa Commission

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