Nutrien responds to training requests and sells shares in Arab Potash in China SDIC for $ 500 million


Thus end the conditions that the regulators of China and India bring to Nutrien for its birth after the merger of Potash and Agrium. The Canadian company announced the sale of its stake in Arab Potash (APC) for 502 million US dollars.

Recall that the first stage of Nutrien, which previously held 32% of SQM, resulted in the sale of 24% Continue reading: Tianqi shareholders approve an agreement with Nutrien for the sale of SQM shares [19659002] In this case, another Chinese company bought the world's largest supplier of inputs and services for crops its stake in APC, that is SDIC Mining, which took exactly 23,294,614 common shares. "The announced transaction represents all of Nutrien's holdings in APC," they say.

"The Competition Commission of India and the Ministry of Commerce of China have requested that the sale of APC be supplemented by the authorization of the merger of Agrium and PotashCorp to form Nutrien, "said the company in a statement posted on its website, adding that" the deal is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals, and is expected to be completed for the fourth quarter of this year. "

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