Nutrition: Rakitic is a celiac and so he changed his habits to improve his game


Ivan Rakitic became in turn one of the best midfielders on the present stage . The Croatian of Swiss origin, became the flag of his team with Luka Modric and one of the most decisive players of FC Barcelona, ​​recognized in a interview published by EL PAÍS [19659002] that he accidentally discovered that he was Celiac which forced him to modify important aspects of his diet

Rakitic acknowledges having "a little luck" because he was aware of the illness he was suffering through an badysis. "It happened many times after the games I felt really bad, swollen, and I was not recovering so well … I completely changed my whole diet ", says the Croatian, who is happy because since he was diagnosed, celiac disease recovers" much better, more easily ". " The intestine does not pose any problem to me ," adds the footballer, who ends one of the best seasons of his career

Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease, as defined by The Federation of Celiac Disease Associations of Spain (FACE) is an immune-mediated systemic disease caused by gluten and related prolamins in genetically predisposed individuals. The most common symptoms are: weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, loss of muscle mbad, growth retardation, personality impairment (irritability, apathy, introversion, sadness), abdominal pain, meteorism or iron deficiency anemia resistant to treatment.


It is possible to diagnose the disease by careful clinical examination and a blood test including serological markers of celiac disease (antigliadin, anti-endomysial, and anti-transglutaminase antibodies Although a clinical or functional diagnosis of the disease can not always be established . Therefore, for the diagnosis of certainty of celiac disease, as indicated by FACE, it is essential to perform an intestinal biopsy .


With regard to treatment, it is recommended to follow a strict gluten-free diet throughout life and in the menu of celiacs should not be missed natural such as vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, vegetables and cereals without gluten (rice and corn). Similarly, because of growing awareness of the disease, packaged and / or processed foods should be avoided as much as possible although more and more manufacturers are developing gluten-free products. and they become more and more affordable because at first their price was very high.

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