O. Higgins among the regions with more cases of syphilis


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Worrisome figures can be deduced from the Epidemiological Bulletin prepared by the Department of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health. Indeed, there is a national increase in cases of syphilis, a badually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacterium that can affect the bads, lips, mouth, or anus.

If in 2010, there were 3,372 new syphilis cases; last year rose to 5,961. In addition, during the first six months of this year, add 3,003 new cases, 6% more than last year to during the same period, when they had detected 2,841.

With regard to the groups It is mainly the men who direct this infection, to whom this infection affects the most, concentrating 65% cases. On the other hand, the 15 to 49 age group (both bades) represents 82% of the total number of cases of syphilis, while the increase observed in the first half of the year mainly concerns young people aged 20 to 39 years.

] If badyzed by region, the highest incidence rates are observed in Tarapacá, Antofagasta, O. Higgins and in the metropolitan area.

Symptoms and Prevention:

Jeannette Dabanch, infectious disease specialist and coordinator of the Committee on Emerging Diseases of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society, explained that "syphilis is known to be the great imitator. There are multiple forms of infection and a large percentage of the population will have no badociated symptoms, making it more difficult to detect. "

Another expert from the clinic of the University of Los Andes, Cecilia Goity, explains that" The first time that a person is infected with syphilis, a chancre appears, an unattractive lesion but painless which appears at the place where the germ came in about three weeks ago. As this is not always an area in which we see it, sometimes the injury occurs and they do not realize it. After three months, a reaction to secondary syphilis may occur. "

Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the corresponding examinations at least once a year not forgetting also the correct use of the condom in all badual relations, Including Oral and Anal Sex Practices .

Frequently Asked Questions:

1.- Can you have a badually transmitted disease in the throat? 19659003] Yes, you may have chlamydia or gonorrhea in your throat The best way to protect yourself is to use a condom

2.- Can you contract a badually transmitted disease by sharing a bed? or a towel?

The only badually transmitted infection that can spread in this way is that of lice. Pubic These are parasitic insects that live in the pubic hair, armpits or even the eyebrows.

3.- you want come a badually transmitted disease by taking birth control pills?

The pill is effective as a method of contraception and sometimes to regulate menstruation. If you want to be protected against badually transmitted diseases, you must use condoms.


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