"Obese people do not see this condition as a disease": study


The various stigmas persecuting the obese people The misunderstanding of society and the feeling of loneliness favor their weight gain today. Efe Flavia Robles, a patient who has managed to overcome this disease.

"One of the main problems is that the patient himself tends to deny his obesity and to minimize the problem, in addition to people does not see this as an illness and reproaches those who suffer from it to live with this disease, "explained the head of international trials, Novo Nordisk.

Robles, who, after pregnancy, was overweight 30 kilograms, noted that patients with this illness are misunderstood not only by their closest entourage, but also by the doctors themselves who are not susceptible to this disease.

"The training of the staff of health is an indispensable job.What the obese person feels is that she has the attention of the doctor without being judged and that she is using a more neutral language so that patients can benefit from better treatment, "said Dr. Verónica Vázquez.

The Obesity Clinic Specialist of the National Institute of Nutrition and Diseases medical sciences, Salvador Zubirán (INNCMSZ), indicated that it was because the patient was made to be considered guilty.

Unlike what happens in the case of other diseases, such as cancer, for example, where the patient is observed as a warrior struggling to overcome suffering, obesity is always stigmatized and suffered

The problem, he explained , is that it is a chronic disease and, as such, incurable e, that is why the patient reaches obesity is never acquitted

In addition, Flavia Robles pointed out that in this disease, unlike d. other chronic and incurable diseases, the patient usually ends up feeling lonely. [196590] 02] "Many times you can not lose weight, it's thought that the magic formula is to shut your mouth and exercise, and people, seeing that we do not lose weight , we give up.One is alone in this fight, "said the patient.

Similarly, he stated that physical appearance is often a disadvantage to finding a good job or a partner to share life.

"He is discriminated against at all levels and in all aspects of life," said Robles.

In addition, people's lack of empathy may lead patients not to seek help to solve this problem.

This stigma influences the lack of information research by patients to look for treatment options, which must be complete and also involve the family

"The accompaniment of the family is very important, because the value we give Food is constituted because we are small It must be stressed and understood that these things can be changed, although the treatment lasts a lifetime, "he said.

Currently, treatments such as bariatric surgery are an excellent option for patients weighing Vázquez felt that the patient should be well informed of the procedure.

"Not all patients meet the criteria, but when they are candidates, it is up to the doctor to explain what it is." Among all the possibilities that weight loss can have, there may be changes in addictive behaviors, in one's image and in life, "he said. magical formulas or procedures to lose weight because " is a disease that needs to be treated for life and is the basis of success for staying healthy." EFEUSA

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