Obesity: Another legacy of the United States?


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as the complete physical, psychological and social well-being of an individual and not just as the absence of disease. According to a report from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Chile is positioning itself as the second-largest country in the OECD with the obesity rate The highest. The rate of obesity is high and reaches 34.4% of the Chilean population aged over 15 years. Since 2016, Chile has ranked eighth among the countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). with 25.1%. The United States occupies first place with 40% of the population.

Obesity has a multifactorial etiology in which the factors of greatest strength are related to lifestyles, the dietary habits of the population, physical activity, and health.

The major problem with high rates of overweight and obesity is the potential morbidities, as well as cardiovascular problems such as heart attack, stroke, type II diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, among others. public health spending, which could be totally avoidable. But what is Chile doing in second place with alarming numbers?

Cultural changes undoubtedly contributed to this diagnosis, the process of development, the arrival of capitalism and neoliberalism in our country, imported directly from the United States Wanting to look like the "world power" had many aspects that directly affected the quality of life of people. Plus, large, fast-food, step-by-step, low-cost chains that can satisfy and make happy a person or their entire family, because with toys, gifts to food, offers Panorama perfect for an outing or reward for the good behavior of a child.

The speed with which the country started to move, because the industry demanded, the increase in the number of hours of work, the distances traveled, day of 39; complete school without offering sports workshops in public schools, encourages people to arrive tired at home, resulting in increased sedentarity, lack of free time and many times a fear of l & # 39; free physical activity in the most vulnerable areas, in addition to high rates of stress and anxiety have turned us into producers and consumers.

According to the FAO study "Inequitable distribution Income protection prevents everyone from having access to healthy food in sufficient quantity". Where are the public policies that really aim to promote health and prevent disease?

In a country where per capita income is close on the 9,000 CLP, it is necessary to create policies for healthy eating at affordable prices. This is not enough with programs like Elige Vivir Sano because I do not know anyone who chooses to live sick, although it does not go hand in hand with knowing the expenses of a family. Education of the population to healthy lifestyles but centered on their reality, their work, their family, their environment, their neighborhood and not on programs of books often impossible to achieve, the promotion of sport in neighborhoods, cities and towns. schools are essential to start creating cultural change.

Decent working conditions, networking of programs and other factors directly related to promotion and prevention are projects that should be re-examined along the way; for the moment, it is really necessary to begin to take charge of the great sanitary problem posed in Chile, another legacy of the United States

  • . The content expressed in this column of opinion is the sole responsibility of its author and does not necessarily reflect the editorial line or position of El Mostrador .

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