Official PDI frustrated the theft of his vehicle in Quilicura


An investigating police officer (IDP) repelled the theft of his vehicle and injured one of the criminals on Sunday night in the town of Quilicura.

The incident occurred in the intersection of Lo Marcoleta Street with San Gabriel where the money was intercepted by two other vehicles arriving home with his family.

At this time, ] Two unidentified men got off cars with their faces covered and intimidated the detective with guns.

The police used their firearm, injuring one of the antisocials twice.

"He (the detective) fires twice and, later, when he sees that another vehicle is involved, he also uses his weapon to try to avoid the leak, trying to hit the tires ", sub-prefect of the PDI Carlos Silva.

The subjects fled with an unknown address.

The wounded antisocial was transferred to the Emergency Department of Primary Care (SAPU) of Quilicura, and remains at vital risk at the San Jose Hospital.

PDI staff is working to find the rest of the group.

An IDP official, managed to thwart the theft of his vehicle, when two foreigners approached him at the intersection of Lo Marcoleta with San Gabriel, Quilicura. Police money used his gun, injuring one of the antisocials. @Cooperativa #LunesCooperativa

– Carlos Jara (@CR_JaRa) July 30, 2018

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