Omega-3 supplements do not contribute to cardiovascular health, according to new study | Technology


Advertisements of supplements and "healthy" foods use a lot of one type of item to sell their positive effects in your life: Omega-3

This fatty acid is the protagonist of marketing campaigns for many products that promise to improve your cardiovascular health or simply improve your quality of life.

Sold fish pumpkins chia seeds ] nuts and even lawyers with the promise that their high content of Omega -3 will help prevent a heart attack or other unforeseen event.

However, a new study published in the scientific journal Cochrane Review cast doubt on its positive properties, even stating that consuming Omega-3 has no effect on your health

According to information provided by the specialized site Science Alert, the research was conducted by scientists at East Anglia University ( University of East Anglia or ] UEA who used the Cochrane badysis system to create the most complete study of omega-3s to date.

In total, The experts used data from 79 studies, which examined more than 112 thousand people, divided among volunteers not exposed to omega-3s intentionally and others who took supplements of this type each day for a year, for to measure its effect

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"The most reliable studies consistently concluded that there was a weak or no effect of omega-3 on cardiovascular health" said Dr. Lee Hopper, head of research, talking about the results of his research in an EBU press release.

This does not mean that Omega-3 is useless for our body.

It is a fatty acid that is frequently used by our natural processes. However, its positive aspects have been exaggerated, according to scientists at the UEA, and take supplements or consume in large quantities through meals such as fish and lawyers will no longer help

The study is available on The Cochrane Library page and will be badyzed by other scientists to confirm their findings.

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