On the road to Ossandón: the Mayor of Puente Alto attacks Minister Hacienda by social agenda


This Friday, the mayor of Puente Alto, Germán Codina (RN), referred to the words of the Minister of Finance Felipe Larraín who yesterday informed the Ministry of Health that it was not necessary there were no resources to finance the construction of the new hospital Sótero del Río

The announcement was not well received by the mayor, who argued that Larraín "kicked and combo l & rsquo; Social agenda. "

"It is scandalous to see that a finance minister has for kick and combo The social program of the government, I believe that President Piñera will recall him and, as he said in his campaign and as he reiterated during the first few months of his tenure, he wants public health to be dignified, timely and "I hope that the president will be the one who puts in. order in the house and that eventually win and prioritize the social agenda of the government, "added Codina

". Public health needs investments to be dignified, timely and of high quality, as promised by the president in the campaign. The health, life and dignity of people are invaluable. I will continue to fight as always so that Puente Alto has a new Sótero del Río now, "he concluded.

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