One in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture –


One in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will suffer a life fracture because of osteoporosis, according to the president of the Spanish Society for Bone Research and the Metabolism of Minerals (SEIOMM), Dr. Josep Blanch, on the occasion of this Saturday's commemoration of World Sickness Day.

In Spain, there were 330,000 osteoporotic fractures and it is estimated that this number will increase to 420,000 in 2030. About three million people with osteoporosis, most women. Globally, the disease affects more than 200 million people and causes more than 8.9 million fractures, resulting in a fracture every three seconds.

Osteoporosis is a systemic disease of the skeleton characterized by: decreasing the amount of bone mbad per unit volume, resulting in increased bone fragility and, therefore, a risk of bone fracture.

"Once a woman fractures because of frailty, Mr. Santiago Palacios, president of the Hispanic Foundation for Osteoporosis and Bone Disease (FHOEMO), five times more likely to

In this sense, the figures suggest that about 20% of people die after a hip fracture, most in the first year since the beginning of the year. In addition, only 40% of fractured patients regain their previous quality of life, independence and independence.


Dietary and lifestyle factors, such as exercise 'vitally important in the prevention and management of osteoporosis.According to FHOEMO, by improving balance, muscle strength and agility, exercise programs tailored to each case can also help to prevent falls.

If you have d jà the disease, doctors recommend you to change style. of life, but they can also prescribe medication. In this sense, FHOEMO indicates that, currently, existing treatment options have shown that they act quickly, within one year, maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

"It is important that the choice of treatment According to the foundation, emphasize the medical needs and way of life of each patient".


Despite the socioeconomic impact of fractures, osteoporosis is one of the most underdiagnosed diseases and currently treated.

Estimates suggest that only 18 to 20% of people who suffer from it have a correct diagnosis and are treated.

This circumstance is "particularly serious", according to Dr. Palacios, "the maintenance and treatment of osteoporosis may reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 70%"

FHOEMO indicates that, although n & Anyone who may develop the disease, the most common risk factors are people with a family history of this disease; women, especially after menopause; people over 60 and those who consume little calcium.

In addition, the foundation mentions people who are not very active either because they lead a very sedentary life or because of an illness; those taking drugs such as cortisone or its derivatives, antiepileptic drugs, thyroid hormones for a long time and those who smoke or drink alcohol or coffee in excess. / EUROPA PRESS

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