One of the women who traveled on a plane that fell in Pealoln dies


Last night, the Las Condes Clinic confirmed the death of a 79-year-old woman who was traveling with three people in the plane crashed Saturday afternoon near Tobalaba airfield at Pealoln.

Another of the three women They were traveling in single-engine aircraft still hospitalized in a serious condition in the same clinic, with deadly risks. The pilot, meanwhile, has suffered from polyarthroses and is stable in the intermediate care unit.

The fourth occupant was referred to the military hospital, where he continues with a reserved diagnosis, but out of risk of life. From the informed institution that she continues stabilized at the UCI

Debate by aerodrome

The accident generates a critical respect at the location of the enclosure , inserted in the urban area of ​​the municipality of La Reina.

The intendanta Karla Rubilar descart the closure of the aerodrome, arguing that its location allows to act strategically in transfers before health emergencies. "It has an important role in the transport of severe polytrauma in connection with the Military Hospital, in the transport of organs, the reception of donors is made of this", explains

Rubilar also emphasized the role of the site in disasters. Tobalaba's "forest fires are being fought" in the metropolitan area, he said.

Before the comment of Pealoln's mayor, Carolina Leitao, who in his Twitter account called "hurry" the construction of Peldehue airfield, at Colina – this would decongest the Tobalaba terminal by 30%, Rubilar has said that the focus should be on reducing theft at risk. "We need to improve its functioning (…) We need a well-controlled aerodrome, as it fulfills an extremely necessary social function for the region."

73 years old
The Tobalaba aerodrome was built in 1945 and has an approximate area of ​​52 hectares.

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