One woman thought her fatigue was due to stress, but she was dying


At age 30 Christina Ferrara thought the pbadage of time was playing tricks on her. I was tired but I attributed it to his stressful 40-hour work a week; his urine was darker but he thought that he was feeding poorly; his gums were bleeding but he thought it was because of his toothbrush.

However, when he went to the doctor for stress, he told him that had had a few hours of life because of a serious failure. in his liver.

"I thought it was a cruel welcome at age 30," said the native of Florida, United States. in an interview with Caters .

"When the doctor examined me, he told me that was to be admitted to the hospital and that I was going to die on weekends " ,

Ferrara was declared by doctors as "the sickest woman in the United States" they took her into an induced coma and immediately went to the top of the list transplants in the country. [19659002] After three unsuccessful attempts, in less than a week, he was offered a fourth organ perfectly compatible.

"Literally, it was a miracle." Once inside, it was as if my He was back on battery. "

His rapid recovery and emotional narrative led him to be baptized as " Bionic Barbie ".

Today, at age 31, Ferrara can proudly count his story and inspire people to become organ donors [19] 459004] that he tries daily on social networks.

"If my donor had not chosen to donate his organs, I would not be here now. I needed a specific liver and the registered person was my guardian angel. "

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