One year after the beginning of the last trip, the Navy Chief visited the parents – Telam


The head of the Argentine Navy, Vice Admiral Jose Luis Villán, met Thursday with a group of relatives of the crew of the submarine ARA San Juan at the Naval Base of Mar del Plata, a year later departure. The meeting, which lasted nearly three hours, was reserved for about forty family members currently residing in the seaside resort of Buenos Aires.

Captain Gabriel Attis, chief of the naval base where the San Juan had his natural docking dock until October 25 last, date of his departure for Ushuaia to participate in a series of events. operations with the rest of the maritime fleet

Villán took advantage of the meeting to address the families' concerns about the submarine's search operations, which they have been developed by the American company Ocean Infinity in the region where the last contacts were taken.

In addition, he expressed the desire of the Navy to carry out a series of tributes to Mar del Plata next month, while one year disappearing from the ship with its 44 crew members.

"As far as research is concerned, we must wait for her to continue and pray in order to find her," said the chief of the force.

He also recalled that, according to the specifications of the bases and conditions of the outsourcing of the company, "the key term" of the research is at least 60 days, and then "it depends on the society if it stays longer. "

"I could tell you that we are going to sign a contract, new after But the reality is that it is difficult for another company to be encouraged to come looking for it if, with the technology at its disposal, it can not not to find it. "

Villán also said that the Navy intended to pay homage to the base of Mar del Plata. the sailors who worked in San Juan on November 15, the first anniversary of her disappearance.

"We have to organize a ceremony and I want to agree with you on the type of ceremony," said the vice-admiral of the family

"The Argentine submariners were recognized in the We are the only ones who have done nothing, and there are many people who want to recognize them, and I know this is a delicate subject for many, "he added. .

According to the details, "a very discreet sequence of recognitions for seafarers" is planned, with the symbolic objective of "confirming the permanent search for the Navy."

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