Onemi alert on possible floods due to the opening of the doors of the Colbún Reservoir


The Directorate General of Waters and the electricity company Colbún SA reported that "the Colbún reservoir is about to reach its maximum filling level" and that it will open its doors unloading.

According to Radio Bío Bío, in response to this situation, Onemi declared a preventive preventative alert ] before the possibility of flood on the banks of the Maule River

The measure is valid for the municipalities of Colbún, San Clemente, Yerbas Buenas, Maule, San Javier, Pencahue and Constitución, until the conditions justify it. [19659002] This alert is a reinforcement of surveillance, monitoring the threat of risk, to coordinate the civil protection system to act quickly in case of emergency.

The company will begin with a version on November 2nd. Then, Saturday, November 3, a possible increase in the discharge rate will be evaluated.

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