Onemi remembers precautions for warning of rain that will affect Coquimbo to Maule | National


Onemi reminded the population to take precautions to avoid emergency situations that could arise due to heavy rains alerted by the Meteorological Directorate, which will affect the central area of ​​the country .

The meteorological event will be present from the region of Valparaíso to that of Maule, from this Thursday until early morning on Friday.

According to Meteochile, between 35 and 50 millimeters of water are expected to fall in the Valparaíso region, where it will hit more strongly in the valley, while in the metropolitan area it is expected to reach up to 40 millimeters.

The regions of O. Higgins and Maule, meanwhile, will reach between 40 and 55 mm, with greater strength also in the valley.

Miguel Ortiz, head of the Onem Early Warning Center, said the institutions concerned they are already coordinated to deal with emergencies caused by weather conditions.

Called to immediately report incidents such as falling trees or branches so that emergency services can attend in a timely manner.

The "great ally," he said, is the population. For this reason, he reminded keep the rainwater pipes clean, make sure the heaters are in good condition and get to know the neighbors to avoid mobility complications.

He also recalled that, although the idea useless, the winter is just beginning. "

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