OnePlus 5 and 5T receive Project Treble support in the latest open beta of OxigenOS


Some time ago, maker OnePlus excluded Project Treble support for OnePlus 5 and 5T when they were upgraded to Android Oreo.

But all seems to indicate that OnePlus has changed today published an important update for participating users of the Open Beta string that bring news.

OnePlus decided to finally support the Treble project for OnePlus 5 and 5T

Today OnePlus we are surprised to announce in its official forum the new Open Beta 13 (OnePlus 5) and Open Beta 11 (OnePlus 5T) since in the news announce that now is fully compatible with Project Treble .

Thanks to Project Treble, OnePlus will be able to update its devices much faster as well as improve the support of ROMs developed by third parties. [19659002] Among the other novelties of this update are a new user interface, a compatible accent color, several launcher enhancements and a new design in the weather app and integrating all of its predictions into one. single interface. [19659002] If you own a OnePlus 5 or 5T and want to try these new features before the rest of the users, just go to the download page and follow the instructions . You must perform a thorough cleanup of the data before going from a stable version to an open beta.

Source : OnePlus Forums

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