Oposicin recognizes that licensed under-nurses are open to allow new entities to administer 10% of the current quote.


MEPs Maite Orsini (RD) and Ral Soto (DC), both members of the Committee on Labor and Social Security, supported the proposal of their counterparts RN Gonzalo Fuenzalida, Eduardo Durn and Cristbal Urruticoechea on the reform of the Government pensions. Yesterday, pro-government MPs have asked the executive, in statements to "El Mercurio", that new entities seeking to create the proposal of the executive – different from the AFP – d & # 39; Administer the additional 4% quotation established by the text 10% of the current quotation.

"I appreciate that the parliamentarians RN adhere to the idea that we proposed a few days ago on the part of the DC and the opposition, the only way for the new system Retirement to compete is not to be competitive, it's only a good first step, "Soto said.

Frente Amplio's parliamentarian added that "for right-wing colleagues, it should not be easy to go to their homes." Districts say they support a presidential proposal that gives more power to AFP There are some very interesting things in what AI raises, like investing surpluses in national companies and in a responsible way. "

The president also expressed his opinion. of the Senate, Carlos Montes (PS), who was a little more cautious. Although he noted that "there are cases in which the proposal of registered nurses could mean something," in others, a public administrator, unique or alternative, which reduces costs can to be better. "

He added:" It is essential to consider seriously the solvency and transparency requirements imposed on alternative administrators. A fundamental question to be clarified is where they invest, what activities or what groups they favor, "explaining that anyway" the problem of the system is not resolved with skill. "[19659002] Rabindranath Quinteros, president of the senators, also entered the debate and moved away from the proposal from Durn, Fuenzalida and Urruticoechea. "The problem is not who manages, the worker is not an investor, he wants a pension that will secure him," he said. [19659002] The leader of the adjoin Nts to the registered nurse, Leopoldo Prez, simply stated that they should study the request of his parliamentarians to La Moneda.

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