Opposition Senators Will Sign a Draft Agreement Against Asylum Ricardo Palma Salamanca


Opposition senators will sign Wednesday a draft agreement against political asylum granted to Ricardo Palma Salamanca by the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons.

In the document, parliamentarians stress that "we reiterate our absolute condemnation of the aggression committed against a Chilean senator in a democracy."

"The rule of law in Chile guarantees full respect for the rights of accused or convicted persons, including control, by independent tribunals, of all resources considered relevant to their defense ",
were clearly defined.

Senators stated that "the crimes committed by Ricardo Palma Salamanca, including the murder of a Senator of the Republic, were committed while they were in the country." a democratic regime, with separation of powers and full independence of the judiciary and the total guarantee process.

"Therefore, and considering that the separation of the powers of the State is another fundamental pillar of our republican system, as the Senate of Chile, we do not share the decision of the French body and we urge the Government to adopt, within the international legal framework, the relevant measures before the Gallic authorities to obtain its review and, in any event, to obtain the extradition of Palma Salamanca to Chile " , said .

Faced with this situation, Rabindranath Quinteros, head of the Senate at the PS, said that "the Socialist Party has always clearly and categorically condemned the crime of Senator Jaime Guzman and that we have been speaking since 1991."

"That is why we are asking the President to immediately appoint the Chilean ambbadador to France to correct a diplomatic mistake that, in our opinion, affects the proper management of our position as a country on this issue, "he said.

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