Optical fiber network drive


INVESTMENT represents US $ 2 million

The construction of the optical fiber system between Lima and La Oroya (Junín) will begin soon, for which a total amount of $ 2 million will be allocated to this project, informed the Managing Director of the company Internexa, Sergio Mavila.


He stated that the company's investments would rise to eight million dollars by the end of this year to expand its fiber optic network. , mainly in the center and the south of the country.

Mavila said that with these projects, the company's intercity network will be expanded by an additional 400 km and will exceed 5,000 km by the end of 2018.

"The rest of the year" 39 year, we will focus on these two projects and other small we run in the country.We try to distribute our network in areas where there is a market and where we can attract new customers in a relatively short time, "he said.

He pointed out that the network linking Moquegua to Desaguadero (Puno) had already been built, which involves more than 300 kilometers of fiber optics.


Internexa will record a revenue growth of 58% between 2015 and 2018 and will charge 23 million euros over the same period.

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