Order authorizing the leaseback was received by the mayor and the call for tenders opened


The mayor of Punta Arenas, Claudio Radonich, has confirmed that he has already
can the decree issued by the Ministry of Budgets Department
Treasury, which confirms that the lease
is authorized and therefore begins the bidding.

The basics of this contest were already loaded on the Market platform
Public, where bidders may request to deliver this option
loan to the municipality of Punta Arenas.

respect, the mayor clarified that the operation will deliver 4 billion
of pesos and that's the only structural solution for debt that is
maintains with teachers and educational badistants.

"Although the funds were released, only serve to pay 7 months of pension," said Radonich.

The mayor specified that he could receive the first two weeks of August, since the law on public procurement sets these deadlines.

added that "for next year, the company must have a
important change the problem is a structural part but there is another
who is the administration "and announced that the audit is available
for the reading of the advisers.

In the same vein, the representative Sandra Amar thought that the lease
is "very good news because it will release funds, but
it's missing a lot more, it does not solve the problem either
before. "

In addition,
A copy was given to the regional prosecutor, the defense counsel of the
The State and the Comptroller General and Regional of the Republic, which is
asked to attend the Cormupa because it was revealed "a mess
administration in 2015 and 2016, which have been audited. "

President of the College of Teachers of Punta Arenas, Enrique
Velásquez, said the end of the mobilization "will be badyzed with the
bases "and that they expect Cormupa to contact them
approach "and be informed of progress.

The Chief stated that the lease was approved.
"That does not tell you anything, the important thing is not where does this resource come from,
how do you protect it so that it benefits our payment
full wages. "

Maria Pastora Sandoval

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