Organizations and activists say no to replacement therapy


UNITED STATES.- "Aversion Therapy" Aims to Change Behavior

When Homobaduality Was Cured, Doctors exposed their patients to Exciting Images to apply an electric shock later.

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Thus, the person repressed his impulses by badociating them with the experience

Center for Education of the Mbadachusetts Rotenberg Center (JRC) punishes its students with different abilities using similar treatment for 30 years.

He is the only one who applies this system to the United States. and in June he obtained the support of a judge to continue his work, despite the repudiation of disability rights organizations and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU, p. 19659002] The students' parents celebrated the news: "We have tried and will continue to test everything that is available for our children."

The center advocates the use of treatment when students are at risk of However, Andre McCollins knows that it's not like that.In 2012 a video was published in which the young autistic was angry because he did not want to

The punishment for his rebellion was to subject him for seven hours to 31 electric shocks they had him tied upside down on a stretcher and with a helmet on his head.It was catatonic t one month

"I had no idea that children were being tortured at school" McCollins' mother admitted to court after suing the institution . They reached an agreement for an amount that was not disclosed.

The treatment does not work as an electroshock. Children and adults with emotional disorders and learning disabilities have a gradual electrical discharge device attached to the legs and wrists.

Staff has a remote control where they press a button when they want to punish them, according to The Washington Post who visited the center on one occasion. They can discharge up to 45.5 milliamps of electricity, causing intense pain and muscle contractions.

Secondary complications include burns, cardiac complications and post-traumatic stress disorder.

In 2014, a petition garnered 300,000 signatures for the FDA, the highest health authority in the United States, to prohibit the use of these devices in treatment for people with disabilities.

After two years of investigations, the FDA reported that the CCR 50 students and formally submitted their rejection. The Acting Director of the Office of Device Evaluation stated: " These devices are dangerous and pose a danger to public health and we believe that they should not be used."

2016 a regulation that prohibits them, but it is not yet implemented because "they continue to review the comments of their record."

A key moment to renew the Detractors' strength was when the Special Rapporteur on torture denounced the practice of the center in 2011: "This is not a treatment, it is torture."

The Mbadachusetts Administration attempted to stop the settlement in 2014 but after a long process, the Bristol County County Court dismissed the petition in June

"(The State) n or could demonstrate that there is a professional consensus that the level III aversive treatment used in the center does not conform to The standard of care has been accepted to treat people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, "said Judge Katherine Field

The Mbadachusetts Department of Health appealed the decision and the institution responded by a statement: " We hope that the court made the right decision based on the testimony of experts and family members and other evidence presented and we are confident that the decision will be ratified. "[1 9659002] The parents of the students showed their "repudiation" state authorities to "act in bad faith", in addition to issuing a statement in which they defended the love of their children.

Now, with the call as the next legal battle, they wait "anxiously" for the court Do not change opinion: "Never one of these alleged defenders or activists do we offered a new or better treatment for our children. "

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