'Overwatch': Blizzard announces the arrival of 'Wrecking Ball', the new title hero [VIDEO] | Video games


Rolling into battle within his new battlefield robotic armor and update, "19459005" Wrecking Ball & # 39; is our new tank hero and comes into the world of Overwatch to crush and shave with enemy lines en route to victory.

& quot; Hammond & quot ;, also known as & quot; & quot; & quot; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Specimen 8 & quot; or " Wrecking Ball", was genetically altered during his stay in the Lunar Horizon Colony and, as at Winston & # 39; he was granted a superior size and intelligence.

Although he does not speak any human language, his robotic armor automatically translates his voice into a threatening tone.

Among the skills we have:

• Multiple Canons: Wrecking Ball & # 39; firing machine guns
• Customizable Shield: Enables Wrecking Ball & # 39; a number of temporary shields based on the number of enemies around
• Roll: Wrecking Ball & # 39; becomes a sphere with increased speed
• Mechanical Claw: In Roll mode, & Wrecking Ball & # 39; can launch a small hook to grab surfaces, swing, clear spaces and move forward. The use of this ability allows you to gain momentum, inflict damage and shoot down enemies during impact.
• Martinete: Wrecking Ball strikes the tunes by shooting enemies at the center of the impact and damaging them
(Ultimate) : Wrecking Ball & # 39; # 39; throws huge local minefield

Knowing all this, be very careful and do not get angry at the hamster.

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