Pablo Longueira: "The time has come for all of Chile to know how certain prosecutors are acting"


Former minister and former senator Pablo Longueira issued the following public statement regarding the charge brought against him by prosecutor Pablo Gómez in the Soquimich case:

He begins by saying that "For nearly three years, my family and I have been the subject of a relentless and unjust persecution of prosecutor Pablo Gómez in the Soquimich case.
During this investigation they searched my home and office, intimidating my family members and co-workers, the public duties I did, although I allowed voluntary access to my personal current accounts and the foundations I created, and they tried, unsuccessfully, to find evidence that denied the truth: that I did not receive a single peso from Soquimich or any other I have been the victim, moreover, of harsh statements and e illegal leaks that have tried to discredit a life dedicated to public service.

He continues to badure that " in the context of the oral trial I will demonstrate that I have never committed some crime – not even the bribe – because all those who know my public career, have been supporters or detractors, know that I have always imposed ethical standards well above legal standards. I have tried in my life to be a correct and honorable person. I wonder what will my ferocious persecutors do when my innocence is proven? How will they repair all the damage they caused to me and my family? I did not commit bribery, I am not responsible for tax crimes and this was determined by successive and different administrations of the Internal Revenue Service, the agency responsible for tax compliance, who decided not to prosecute.

The statement continues: "I am a man of peace and I do not know the grudge, but the time has come for prosecutors to react when they act with little professionalism and lack the least impartiality in the The law requires them to be objective. "

" I want to denounce publicly today, that the same prosecutor who charges me today, without changing no fact thereafter, offered for months in my defense an alternative that eliminated the crime of corruption.Yes, although it seems incredible and hard to believe, it was like that, "says Longueira

" The time has come for all of Chile to know how some prosecutors are acting. In the days of refusal to accept an alternative outlet, in an obvious attitude of revenge, fury, and d & rsquo; intimidation, the prosecutor personally searched my private house e at dawn, while we were still sleeping, to take away two computers that we volunteered and which, once seized "[traduction]" It is publicly known that the prosecutor, after presenting the charge and the before the oral trial, will transfer his residence abroad and will not participate in the trial. I call you to be responsible and personally badume the outcome of the process that will prove my innocence, and do not leave before the country. It is easy to accuse unfounded and then escape their obligations.
The time has come for all citizens to have equal treatment with prosecutors. It may not be that the result of an investigation depends on the political preferences of the team of prosecutors investigating a case, "added Pablo Longueira.

" I silently accepted years of unjust persecution of this team of prosecutors. To justify the exercise of the public activity, I confirm that I will not accept any negotiated solution, that I will defend my innocence with the weapons of the law and that, once declared innocent of this persecution, I will devote all my efforts to the goal that the citizens political position, are not subject to the discretion of partial and biased prosecutors. I trust the judicial power of my beloved country and its ability to enforce the law without discrimination or political bias. The stage of the persecution is over and the hour of justice arrives " over

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