Panama to launch noncommunicable disease prevention plan


PANAMA .- The Panamanian Government will launch in the coming months a pilot plan for the fight against cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes, among others, reported today the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Health (Minsa).

This project is After the signing of an agreement with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, the Panamanian state will promote the prevention of these noncommunicable diseases

The document, signed in the presence of President Juan Carlos Varela, bears the signature of the Minister of Health in charge, Eric Ulloa; Executive Vice President of AstraZeneca, Leon Wang; and Susana Murteira, from Camcar Mac, specialists in logistics and the supply chain.

With this letter of intent, "we seek to develop a pilot project to prevent cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, fomentations. "Official information indicates that this pilot plan will be developed in some parts of the country, particularly in Chiriqui (West), where it is planned to put into practice the programs of prevention, treatment and monitoring of patients who are are shown to be predisposed to these diseases, after the results obtained from their health census day examinations.

The health censuses – where 565,000 people were registered – They found that in the population of 40 years or older, 37 percent suffer from high blood pressure, 14 percent from diabetes mellitus, 38 percent from dyslipidemia (abnormal levels of fats in the blood) and 40 percent from overweight / obesity.

Minister Ulloa has explained that the project will be implemented as early as adolescence to prevent bad habits of life, This leads the individual to suffer at an early age of e hypertension and diabetes.

In addition, the health authorities are waiting, with the help of AstraZeneca, to implement an integral component combining promotion, prevention, treatment and follow-up. and follow up.

"It's something complete that includes promotion, monitoring, surveillance and medications for these diseases.The difference is that in addition to getting the medications, we include the surveillance, monitoring and prevention, "said Ulloa.

Ulloa said that at present, the Ministry of Health is working on a project with the Pan American Health Organization. but it is not excluded that this pilot scheme can be implemented in other parts of the country, with the support of AstraZeneca, the Social Security Fund (CSS) and others. other organizations.

The Health Portfolio has specified that will be launched in the coming months, it will not be necessary to build new facilities, because in the existing ones it can be run successfully.

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