Parents will meet Esteban Moctezuma, the next SET leader


By José Gregorio Aguilar

Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- The National Federation of Family Parents Associations (FENAPAF) will meet the next incumbent of the Secretary of Public Education (SEP) Esteban Moctezuma Barragán to address, between Leopoldo García López, representative of organized parents, said that, to his knowledge, the education reform is not canceled, but will instead go into a revision process in order to extract what really affects the labor rights of teachers.

"It will be discussed with the teachers, the reform has good points and you must act but not for the bad, it is not work.A good criticism but with teachers not led by the SNTE who said yes to all that allowed to violate the rights of teachers. "

He explained that he has never heard from workers that they do not want to be safe. evaluate themselves. They complained that they do not receive training for the exam, that when dates arrive, there are multiple failures in the sites, besides that the purpose of this badessment is not to improve, but to remove them from their work, among many other irregularities. ] Because until now those who decided the content of the Reform of Education were the authorities behind the office, and the national leadership of the National Union of Workers, but not the common teacher, who face the social and educational reality of his school every day.

"Andrés Manuel is with the teachers, with the education, with the company we are expecting something good, we are part of the team to prepare I think it is a good sign that those who will govern the country take into account civil society, in this context, he said, because they had never taken them into account. "We are summoned to Mexico, we will meet who will be the secretary, the goal is to work on some issues and then meet with the presidents of state badociations and so that everything is ready by December 1st and start working with our new president. "

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