Patricio de Solminihac leaves the general management on December 31


  Patricio de Solminihac 09

The board of directors of the SQM at the meeting held on Wednesday, July 25, accepted the resignation presented by Patricio de Solminihac Tampier to the post of general manager of the company.

De Solminihac has developed a trajectory of more than 30 years in SQM, serving as Development Director, Vice President of the Board, Deputy General Manager and finally General Manager for the last 3 years. "When Patricio de Solminihac began his career as an SQM executive in early 1988, the company had total badets of about 152 million US dollars, today SQM has more than 4,300 million dollars "said Alberto Salas, president of the company. SQM directory, to which he added; "For all these years, Patricio has been part of a management team and a board of directors that have generated significant value for shareholders, workers, our communities and the country in general. . It is difficult to summarize in a few words the achievements of Patricio. We regret his resignation and we appreciate his dedication and commitment during all these years.

For his part, Patricio de Solminihac, who expressed this resignation for personal reasons, thanked the SQM for its professional development. The resignation will take effect on December 31, 2018.

At the same meeting of the board of directors, in accordance with the succession plan previously established and taking into account the recommendation of De Solminihac, Ricardo Ramos Rodríguez was appointed new director General, currently Vice President of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer of the Company, who will take up his new position on January 1, 2019.

Ramos has been with SQM for more than 29 years and has developed a broad professional career within the Company. . "During this period, Ricardo Ramos worked for more than 20 years with Patricio de Solminihac, which ensures a significant continuity in the management of the Company and confirms the interest of the Board to maintain the strategic path promoted by the current CEO. ", said Alberto Salas.


The successor

Ricardo Ramos Rodríguez, 53, is an industrial engineer with a major in chemistry from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He came to SQM in 1989 as a financial planning engineer in the field of finance. In 1990, he moved to the commercial area, where he badumed responsibility for logistics, overseeing the coordination between operations and sales. In 1992, he returned to Finance as CFO of SQM Nitratos, Head of Accounting, Management and Engineering. In 1994, he became vice president of corporate finance.

For the past two years, he has held the position of Vice President of Corporate Services, responsible for the areas of planning and development, corporate finance, staffing, communications, among other things. other.

During the 24 years that he has spent at the head of SQM's finances, he has been involved in decisive processes for the development of this business, as has the financing of the increase in badets of the SQM in the 90s 680 million US dollars to 4,300 million US dollars. The whole of this process was initiated in 1993 through capital increases in Chile and the United States, through three ADR issuance processes and one of the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• multiple bond issues in Chile and the United States. These achievements of the past 25 years have also been achieved by maintaining a high rating by the leading international rating agencies (Moody's and S & P).

Ricardo Ramos led the negotiation and materialization of several SQM acquisitions over the last three decades. He also led a team that defined the Company 's short and medium term development strategy, including its investment plan in Chile and abroad.

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