Paypal apologizes for blaming a woman who died for violating her policies: report



Taylor Martin / CNET

PayPal UK (UK) sent a letter to a woman stating that her death violated her credit agreement policy with PayPal Credit, so she would close her account, terminate her contract, and demand repayment of her credit card. money, as reported by the BBC.

The letter in question was received by the widower, Howard Durdle who posted it on his personal Twitter account. He was addressed to his wife, Lindsay Durdle, who died of cancer on May 31 at age 37. After receiving it, Howard Durdle contacted the BBC via Twitter

The letter begins with a headline that says: IMPORTANT – YOU MUST READ THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY. After that, it is stated that the amount of the debt which is £ 3,200, or about US $ 4,235 and thereafter, indicates the legal actions they will take in case of non-response

. The letter reads: "We are not obliged to give further notice before taking such steps, however, we understand that you may be in financial difficulty and be willing to help."

Forgive the language but it's beyond the box. @AskPayPal @PayPalUK – who were informed of Lindsay's death 3 weeks ago – sent him a letter demanding the termination of the contract due to his death. What the hell? 19

– ?????? ?????? (@hdurdle) July 10, 2018

According to the BBC, PayPal UK has already contacted Durdle's husband and He has stated that the resolution of the problem was "a priority for the company". At the same time, a spokesman for PayPal apologized saying, "We apologize to Mr. Durdle for the anxiety that this letter caused him." And he continues: "We are investigating this matter urgently, and we are in direct contact with Mr. Durdle to support him."

At the end of the edition, the saga was continuing. Howard Durdle wrote on Twitter that PayPal had already contacted him and that he had received an apology from the company. Similarly, PayPal UK has badured you that it will review the process internally so that something like this does not happen again. In addition to the excuses, PayPal UK will also be responsible for the amount of debt, as reported by The Next Web.

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