Paz Ciudadana survey: 36% of households reported to have been robbed in the last semester | National


According to the Victimization Index, 36.4% of households in the country reported being victims of a robbery or robbery attempt within the last six months . This included any of the housing members, both inside and outside of it, in addition to having or not involving violence.

This percentage is part of the measure of the measurement of crimes committed in the country, of the insecurity of the population. and evaluation of institutions and authorities responsible for public security presented by the Paz Ciudadana Foundation in its 2018 National Index.

This study also revealed that the inter-annual variation in victimization in September was -3 points, down from 39.5% in 2017 to 36.4% in 2018. Of this figure, 39.2% was in Santiago, against 31.8% in the regions.

For 2017, victimized households at high socioeconomic levels decreased (46.8% to 37.1%) and average (41.4% to 36.8%) , although rose slightly (33.3% to 37.5%) .

  Paz Ciudadana Foundation - GfK Adimark
Paz Ciudadan Foundation – GfK Adimark

On the other hand, the violence used in these criminal acts also increased compared to the previous year. Of the total non-violent crimes, 77.6% were in 2017 and 72.4% were in 2018. This means an increase in violent crime which accounted for 27.8% this year. last six months


Revictimization is the occurrence of more than one theft (or attempted theft) during a period, suffered by the same person or by another member of the household. In this case, 8.9% reported having experienced two episodes in the last six months, while 7.9% experienced this situation more than three times.

In conclusion, 21.5. % of households surveyed concentrate 84.5% of flights or attempted theft.

In addition, 63.6% reported not having experienced these episodes in the last six months, an annual increase of 3.1 points between 2017 and 2018


L & # 39 Complaint index also showed a significant variation with regard to badaults (inside or outside the home and involving or not violence) in case of kidnapping. 39; objects. This index showed an increase of 6.1 percentage points, which could indicate a greater confidence in the efficiency of this process.

In this regard, there was virtually no change in the level of satisfaction with the work done. Carabineers after lodging a complaint. Of these, 41% reported feeling "satisfied or very satisfied" and scored an average of 4.6 (on a scale of 1 to 7).

This is not the case of the Attorney's Office, which gets an average score of 3.1 because this year the degree of dissatisfaction of households with regard to The work of the institution has increased considerably after filing a complaint. 78% said they were "dissatisfied or very dissatisfied".

Fear, Prevention and Trust

The fear index shows a decrease in the percentage of people at the "high fear" level, from 16.6% in 2017 to 10.8% in 2018.

  Paz Ciudadana Foundation - GfK Adimark
Paz Ciudadana Foundation – GfK Adimark

Of the total number of households surveyed, 62.8% said they took it in agreement with their neighbors for to help themselves, 57% strengthened the security of their home. While 48.4% stopped going out at certain times and 50.6% stopped going to certain places. These last two actions showed a decrease compared to the previous year.

These actions are accompanied, in part, by the confidence shown by the respondents in the institutions. 50% of respondents indicated that they felt "pretty or very confident" among the carabinieri. In turn, 54% showed these same levels of confidence in the IDP.

For his part, Paz Ciudadana said that these figures should be used to prepare and diagnose interventions, in addition to improving public policies.

was presented by the Foundation's Executive Director, Daniel Johnson, and the results were commented by Senators José Miguel Insulza and Felipe Kast, Mayor of Peñalolén, Carolina Leitao and Roberto Méndez.

National Index 2018 – Fundación Paz Ciudadana of BioBioChile on Scribd

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