PDI Rancagua broke the tape that manufactured and marketed drugs


The PDI of Rancagua, region of O. Higgins managed to disrupt a gang that manufactured and marketed drugs after four months of investigation that ended with the arrest of two Chilean citizens and two foreigners

Aliens introduced the drug into the country that was transferred to a department equipped with elements for the manufacture of drugs that were collected by Chilean citizens to be distributed to various traffickers who marketed individual substances

. Julián Espinoza of the PDI anti-narcotics brigade explains that "15 kilograms of cocaine and one and a half kilos of sativa cannabis were seized and the house was searched in Machalí where electronic devices were seized vehicles, ovoids and a million of 200 thousand pesos in cash. "

The district prosecutor of Rancagua Jorge Mena commented that the drug was valued at 230 million pesos and the four detainees will be formalized for the crime of drug trafficking up to 15 years in prison.

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