PDTA. CUT believes "the government is cheating the people" because of the weak labor market


On Monday, the Unitary Workers 'Union will inform of the constitution of a Workers' Consultative Committee which will deal with such matters as pension reform and the future labor reform

The CUT focuses on these issues as well as the negotiation of the public sector wage adjustment.

According to La Tercera, the president of the union, Bárbara Figueroa indicated that unionized workers are aware of the false expectations regarding jobs and wages generated by the current government. Another issue that worries them is "pro-business public policies to the detriment of workers".



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The president of the CUT thought that was clearly that this government favored pro-business policies over those of the workers. "They represent the interests of capital, big business (…) .We can not allow them to deceive the citizens by telling them that they will bring growth and jobs when in reality, it does not happen, "he said.

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Figueroa argued that this mandate deceived the public . "During his campaign, the President badured that better times would come, that investments would increase, that Chile would develop and that this would result in more jobs, better wages and thousands of layoffs and more. Companies shut down, "he complains. ] You may be interested in: CUT denounced "a cowardly aggression" against Bárbara Figueroa

regarding the Integral Development Agreement signed by President Piñera last week, which included various issues Barbara Figueroa explained that, in a future reform of work, "this table which made that this report has biases, it is people related to the business world and it is in conformity with the main convictions of the government" .

  Photo: Now News

Photo: Now News

He criticized the fact that although they were invited to participate at this table, the invitation was made by comes of a finger badignment and is not defined by the Central . "Under these conditions, we do not participate in any commission," said the president of the CUT

. He cataloged the report " as a thought for the nineteenth century, with regressive policies that do not even support the 2013 agenda of the UN's sustainable development goals" [19659008] You may be interested in: Minister Monckeberg explained the rise in unemployment: "As ever, people are not encouraged to go out and complain"

Critique of pension reform [19659022] Figueroa claims that this reform strengthens the current system of the AFP does not support the substantive debate and does not guarantee the improvement of pensions . "It is a reform that perpetuates the AFP and with the additional contribution of 4%, it will be an effective impact in 40 years," he said.

Adjustment of Public Sector Workers' Wages

The President of the CUT He declared in La Tercera that they were expecting a prompt response from the Government because of meetings up to present have tended to delay the decision of the executive. "It would be putting it out of the budget debate in Congress," he said.

He criticized the fact that the executive does not take the specific weight of what this negotiation means and stated that there was some prejudice, namely that it was not necessary for the executive to take the specific weight of what this negotiation meant There was no willingness of the workers to reach the agreements.

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