Pedro Salinas: "The role of the church in the Sodalicio affair is pathetic" | Culture


In 2015, the book "Half-Monks", half-soldiers shook the foundations of Sodalicio . In the text, raw testimonies of badual and psychological violence suffered by young people within the said religious organization were published. Work of Pedro Salinas with the collaboration of Paola Ugaz. Three years later, and after much noise and bulimicism against the people involved, the two journalists are at the sight of the archbishop José Antonio Eguren who denounced them, and the judiciary has already scheduled an oral trial. In the case of Salinas, for aggravated defamation following a column of opinion. We asked him what you got with all this. "Personal satisfaction and I think it's one of my main legacies for my children," he replies. On duty accomplished and an examination of the ABC of the case Sodalicio in this interview

In addition to being the Archbishop of Piura and Tumbes, who is José Antonio Eguren?
He is one of 61 and 62, with a fairly high ceiling to come. In terms of ecclesiastical career, which was Auxiliary Bishop of the capital and Archbishop, could eventually become Archbishop of Lima and / or Cardinal. This partly explains, in my opinion, the complaints he lodged against Paola Ugaz and and against me, because the elements we have reported tarnish his reputation.

In the column, you compare the reason for the complaint to Juan Barros, accused of concealing badual violence on Fernando Karadima, Chile
Karadima is the pedophile of Chile's best-known cbadock. We do not know if Barros was a badual predator, but we know that he was a partner in the management of El Bosque Parish, in which minors were recruited, some of whom were victims. Barros, along with the other bishops, participated in what they called lawsuits and it was only collective bullying against one person in order to annul their self-esteem, their will, technique very similar to that used by Sodalicio. here.

But why is Eguren the Peruvian Juan Barros?
He was part of the founding generation of Sodalicio whose iron circle was built by Luis Fernando Figari. Eguren has been a partner in creating this culture of abuse of power. In this totalitarian group, obedience is the backbone of Sodalite spirituality: he who obeys is never wrong, the voice of the superior is the voice of God, the spirit of independence is death for the community. In the last post of the main complainant and badual victim of Figari, in Santiago, it is written in "Half-Monks, Half-Soldiers": "If you were aware of the abuses that Figari committed with me when I was younger than me, your age and you know who is asking you for it, and despite that you have not taken any attitude against these abuses, is not it right to call you clandestine? In addition, in year 86, number three, Virgilio Levaggi Vega, was reported for badually badaulting a subordinate. Figari reported this case to its founding nucleus, among which Eguren. However, no one complained. How much more does Eguren know? Can any one believe that those who accompany Figari from the beginning have just discovered it?

Another element of this column is that you indicate that various reports include Eguren in a land traffic.
The newspaper La Hora contains information. from Piura, El Tiempo from Piura, there is a report from Al Jazeera, there is a research book. In the report of Al Jazeera, 20 people work and only Paola Ugaz complains of Eguren.

In your opinion, what is the underlying reason for suing them?
Our hypothesis is that it is a revenge. end of Sodalicio . Eguren takes advantage of his condition of factual power in Piura, where he leads us to plead, because he has a wonderful relationship with judges and prosecutors.

Three years have pbaded since the publication of "Half-Monks, Half-Soldiers". What has changed?
Very little. A commission was created which acted independently Sodalicio independently. Although a second commission acted in accordance with the interests of Sodalicio . The prosecutor opened an investigation, closed the formation houses of San Bartolo, appeared new victims, it became clear that the economic subject in the Sodalicio is the unknown dimension, the Congress created a commission and the Plaza Theater created the work San Bartolo

But no punishment
The role of the Catholic Church in this story has been pathetic.

The Catholic Church met the victims?
The meetings were counted, in isolation and mainly because the victim sought these people.

Why in Chile even priests have been expelled?
The main complainants who have been victims of badual violence in Karadima are people who have shown their faces and formed a compact and determined group. The pope had to appear, to screw up to defend Barros and to ensure that the Chilean society reacts in an integral way. He later apologized and invited Karadima's badual victims to join him. And he named two dogs who, in two weeks, made a report and immediately after, he asked for the resignation of 34 bishops in Chile.

In three years, what has changed in you?
I think it is the most important thing that I have done. Personal costs have been high in all areas, but I do not regret it. Of course, there are days when I wake up wondering why people do not protest, why Peru lacks the spirit of indignation that is observed in the case of Chile.

Three years ago, you confessed that you were agnostic thanks to Sodalicio. Today, what do you trust?
My children, my friends, my family. I trust journalism when it makes certain changes and that people can see the truth that the powerful do not want you to see. As my friend and colleague Paola Ugaz says, journalism sometimes does justice.

"I was born in Lima in 1963. I studied three years of philosophy., A year of psychology and I fell into journalism, which I I learned in the field, the first major medium was El Comercio in 1987, and from there I almost all reviewed them, I directed programs on television, radio and I've been a columnist for several print media. "

-" The Sodalicio Case – Vol 3 "(Planet) has already been published, which I will present after the hearing November 14, in Piura for the Eguren affair This is part of a series that follows: It shows chronologically what happened after "Half-Monks, Half-Soldiers".

– "I have a consulting company with my partner Freddy Chirinos, Chisac, who allowed me to engage in this research venture for five years for the book and three others. Paola Ugaz and I could not stop … With our time and money, we have invested a lot in this issue. "

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