Penguins provoke fury by walking hand in hand on the beach


Through social networks, a video showing two penguins walking along the coast on a beach in South Africa was broadcast

During the 16 seconds of the video published by User of Twitter, @freakingdani, we can see that these penguins seem to join their wings while walking as they tried to take "hands" as two humans

"My aunt just came back from South Africa and she sent me this video that she took from this little penguin couple," writes the young woman next to the recording who already adds over three million reproductions .

According to various users who reacted to the recording, they believe that it could have been recorded at Boulder Beach where there are usually large colonies of African penguins.

Penguins are based at Boulders Beach in Cape Town wn for those of you who are going to visit in the future … it is too amazing !! You can even swim with them ..

– zaheer (@ZaheerDaniels) July 3, 2018

See below the video of the call from Offers:

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