Pensive video: young graduate surprises his father Mason


An emotional video that shows the moment when a newly graduated young woman arrives at work in which her father works to give him the news has become the last viral.

The protagonist of the story is Yudit Romero, who lives in a town called Mayor Martínez, 400 kilometers from Asunción, capital of Paraguay.

After graduating with a Bachelor of Education degree, Romero – who is the daughter of a worker and a seamstress – took the thesis of her father with which he managed to accomplish this important academic milestone.

"I am a graduate, father, I give you my research and thank you," he says in the sequence. "Thank you because it's my success and yours too," she adds, visibly moved.

As the Infobae website comes together, the man to whom these words are dedicated is Blas Romero, who, despite respected primary motivation education, motivated his four daughters to study at the university. All are professionals.

"My father has been working in construction since the age of 15. My mother does sewing work, she only did it until the third grade, at that time she could not finish primary school, "Yudit told the media.

"My father could not come to the university because he had to cover the work." I told him in Guarani to come down from the ceiling, I wanted to thank him, nothing else I felt that I owed him that, sometimes I could not help with money, but it was always encouraging. "

The moment was recorded by Mireya, the youngest of her sisters After sharing the video in a WhatsApp family group, a local media asked permission to publish it. more than 7,700,000 copies and more than 109,000 "shared".

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