Penta's partners are released from corruption in a summary trial


On Wednesday, the shortened trial was carried out after agreement between the Office of the Prosecutor and the defense of the Penta group's controllers, Carlos Alberto Delano and Carlos Eugenio Lavín.

The Eighth Guards Court of Santiago sentenced Delano and Lavín, They were later released from the charge of bribery.

After that, only the representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor and the Internal Revenue Service (SII) could lay a charge.

Therefore, the State Defense Council (CDE) will not be able to accuse, especially for corruption and corruption, the controllers of the Penta Group and the former Secretary General Pablo Wagner.

From the Intelligent Citizen Foundation, who participated in the reform. annoyance to the decision, exclaiming that the OTP "resigned to try".

While from the CDE they accused the law of illegality in the resolution and indicated that they will resort to the corresponding instances.

Metropolitan Est prosecutor Manuel Guerra has asked for a four-year prison sentence in his maximum degree, which will be served at liberty; in addition to the payment of the tax penalty set by the SII, which amounts to more than $ 1,714 million, and which adds to the $ 10 billion that they have already paid, as company and individuals, in tax concepts, interest and fines. The verdict will be communicated on July 9th.

National Prosecutor Jorge Abott supported the actions of the prosecutor Guerra and baderted that "the prosecution has demonstrated tremendous strengths" and that "it is utterly unfair that we be evaluated and see the causes as Corpesca and SQM who will go to trial where appear people with relevant positions within the state. "

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