People Wearing Ties Can Reduce Blood Flow to the Brain (7:00 pm) <DNA – Southeast Digital News Agency


Oaxaca of Juárez, July 7th. Some social movements and a large part of the youth have always been suspicious of people wearing ties. Ropes, quite simply, are unreliable, they have something similar to a stick inserted into the rectum, they have lost the ability to dream and be happy, they have been devoured by Nothingness, paraphrasing The Endless Story .  tie

Following these metaphors, a new study suggests that the use of links could restrict the flow of blood to the brains of its carriers .

Blood Flow

Research suggests that the basic element of the uniform for doing business (and running a country) reduces blood flow to the brain by crushing the veins of the neck. Robin Lüddecke University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, scanned with his colleagues the brains of 15 healthy young men before and after wearing a tie.

Each participant was ordered to tie a Windsor knot and reduced it to the point of slight discomfort . Enough to dress elegantly.

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Just after men adjusted the ties, blood flow in their brains dropped by 7.5 percent on average. However, no change in blood flow was observed when the experiment was repeated with 15 men who did not wear a tie.

It is unlikely that a 7.5% drop in blood produces symptoms in the blood. brain of a healthy person . However, this could create problems for smokers, the elderly or those who suffer from hypertension. The use of tie, in these cases, could cause headaches, dizziness and nausea.

So it does not seem that this restriction of blood causes those who wear ties to use the brain less efficiently. It does not seem, in principle, that the use of a link facilitates Alzheimer's disease even though the long-term blood restriction to the brain is badociated with its development.

If those who use them do not want to stop using them to avoid loosing elegance and charm, one possible solution is to make knots looser … although this will decrease a little bit. so-called elegance.

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