Peru denounces Venezuela to the UN and Ecuador asks to assume the "humanitarian crisis"


Peru denounced Thursday the "systematic violation of human rights" in Venezuela before the United Nations Human Rights Council, based in Geneva

The decision of Peru was supported by 53 UN members, among them "The worsening of the crisis has spawned a mbadive exodus of Venezuelan citizens who have emigrated to different countries of the European Union," said the Peruvian ministry Foreign Affairs in a statement issued Thursday evening

. The Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Néstor Popolizio, said in the note

. A report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights indicated in late June that the Venezuelan security forces were killing people without justification. and apparently without the consequences, because the rule of law disappears.

For its part, the Organization of American States last month pbaded a resolution that could initiate the process to suspend Venezuela from the multilateral organization.

In May, the Lima group – made up of 14 American countries – the United States and the European Union rejected the elections that re-elected President Nicolás Maduro and threatened to toughen sanctions against the South-South government. American

Venezuela is facing an unprecedented crisis marked by the shortage of food and medicine, hyperinflation and constant interruptions of basic services.

Ecuador urged the executive of his country to qualify the situation in Venezuela as a "humanitarian crisis" and to demand that a channel be created between the two countries to deal with the strong emigration of Venezuelans.

By a resolution, the Legislative Government asked to declare in a state of "vulnerability" to Ecuadorians living in Venezuela and activate protocols to help in Ecuador Venezuelan immigrants fleeing the crisis in their country.

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