Peruvian President considers Keiko Fujimori's "exaggerated" pre-trial detention


The President of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, described today as "exaggerated" the three-year preventive detention measure dictated by a Judge of the Leader of the Opposition, Keiko Fujimori, who does the same. 39, the subject of a money laundering investigation when it was financed. campaign for the elections of 2011.

When he was consulted by the qualifier of "persecuted policy" used by Fujimori People's Force to explain the imprisonment of its president, Vizcarra baderted that his government did not Intervened "in any of the proceedings of the public prosecutor or the judiciary."

"We stay on the sidelines, we respect autonomy, accepting or not the decisions that it takes ", said the president in an interview with Santa Rosa radio. [19659002] However, the President clarified that, in his opinion, the preventive detention measure "should only be used in extreme cases" and added that, depending on the case, on this premise, "it would be an exaggerated measure" in the Fujimori case.

The president also pointed out that the decision was made by the judiciary on the request of the prosecutor's office.

Keiko Fujimori was remanded in custody. November 1, on the order of judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho, president of the first national court of preparatory inquiry, following the request of the prosecutor against money laundering José Domingo Pérez, in charge of investigations.

The magistrate made his decision. the risk that Fujimori is hindering investigations for allegedly laundering large sums of money during his 2011 presidential campaign, including perhaps a million dollars from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht, on his account with which he had paid bribes. The washing was apparently done with a shadow accounting in which multiple private donations were simulated. those who asked them to give their name to finance the campaign.

The Fujimorista parliamentary group, which controls the Congress by a majority, rejected the judicial action taken against Keiko, whom he described as "shameful," and denounced the fact that he was the first political prisoner in Peru "

On Wednesday, the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000) said on Twitter that" the hunt "to his family" was going on "after learning that the prosecution had included this Tuesday in his investigation, to his husband Mark Vito, for "accumulation of lawsuits."

He accused Prosecutor Perez and Judge Concepción Carhuancho of wanting to leave their two daughters "without mother and father."

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