Piñera Announces Amendments to the Freedom of Religion Act


President Sebastián Piñera celebrated the Day of the Evangelical Churches in La Moneda and condemned the events that occurred during the "March for Jesus", in which a dozen groups opposed to the system confronted Carabineros and another group nationalist. [19659002] In this context, the president was willing to revise the law on freedom of worship so that "the state guarantees and guarantees freedom in all areas".

"After seeing what happened in March Jesus, which was a peaceful march that sought to express values ​​and was brutally attacked by violent people who do not respect anything or anyone, we are more and more convinced of the importance that the state badures and guarantees freedom in all fields ",

" But if there is one area in which freedom is absolutely fundamental, it is that of faith, and that is why, after almost 20 years of freedom of religion and religious equality, it was time to consider it, "Piñera said.

A few weeks ago, since La Moneda works at the table with representatives of evangelical churches for the revision of the law of freedom. of worship.

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