Piñera attributes fraud in the armed forces to "the legacy of the military government"


During this day, President Sebastián Piñera announced that he would make changes to the armed forces and order in order to increase state control. That after this week, irregularities in the army were known by high command overseas trips.

The previous thing related to the resignation of the "Number 2" institution, former Chief of the General Staff John Griffiths, who is being sued for tax evasion.

In this sense, Piñera stated that "in the past, the armed forces and the order, in general, enjoyed degrees of autonomy that did not allow democratically elected civilians greater control over probity, good use of public resources, "said Cooperativa.

"It's something we've already changed at Carabineros, and we're going to develop something similar in the Chilean army and in all its branches." The government has in this right not only a right, but also an obligation and, in the light of the unfortunate events we have known, it becomes more urgent than ever, "he added.

The deputy of the Democratic Revolution and member of the Defense Committee, Jorge Brito, said that "the information we have available allows us to understand that it is not an isolated case, but a recurring phenomenon within the l '39. institution. "

" Our antecedents – he added – indicate that there would be more than 300 generals and more than 800 colonels involved. This raises a lot of warning, because it is a system without control and our work, precisely, aims to raise the standards. What better way to do this by removing procurement management from the armed forces, entrusting that to the civil power, that is to say, the Ministry of Defense. "

A legacy of the military government

In an interview published by El Mercurio, Piñera pointed out that this type of fraud in the armed forces is a legacy of the dictatorship:" I believe that it is a legacy of military government, military institutions and order inherited or presumed excessive autonomy of the civil power, "he said.

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